
Love and death

When the evening comes, the sky begins to turn yellow from the west. I always think that sunset and evening are a couple, and they proclaim the coming of night together. Just as the sun going down before night, people ages before we die. When I read Tuesdays with Morrie, I realized that Professor Murray Schwartz was one such sunset. He knew that he was going to die soon. But he did not sink into despair and pain, and he did not wait for death to arrive coldly in the process of receiving medical treatment. His youth made him accept the arrival of aging, his health made him comfortable with the company of diseases, and his knowledge and experience made him not regret the wasted time. Professor Murray spoke in a calm voice and tone about the world, self-pity, regret... He was as quiet as the setting sun that was gradually dipping into the sky, and his words were as thrilling as the orange and yellow of the sky. Mickey was addicted to the work world before getting to know professor Murray very well. He had his own career, but unfortunately, he not only did not realize the ideal of life, but also ignored the emotions, lost in the fog of life in the forest. Professor Murray called on him to return to his true nature, find his passion and kindness, and live and work according to his own moral standards. At the end of Tuesday's appointment, death seemed to change its face. A few years ago, I, like all unworldly children, was terrified of death, of an irrevocable farewell. At that time, the impression of death was the plastic infusion tube flowing transparent solution, the expressionless old body, the empty funeral home playing mournful music, the square cemetery with white brick paint words... Naive I choose to escape back to reject the collection of these indifferent elements. Gradually, as I grew older, I came into contact with death without fear or avoidance. I suddenly realized that those who had let me avoid, not pure farewell, but farewell to bring about the pain around. When relatives and friends die, the head of the white cloth, wearing white clothes, incense burning white smoke, people will all over the sad color; Red eyes like seeping blood, tears like washing face, dumb cry, people cruel death and grief tied. Death doesn't have to be hoarse, it doesn't have to be hysterical, why can't death be a peaceful ritual? A small person, finally ended the short journey, he felt the sour, sweet, bitter and spicy, taste the joys and sorrows, in the waiting of the closest relatives to receive the decision has been decided. Everyone is promised a journey is not long is not short, everyone's ending is known, why must let this known ending in mind? The conversation between professor Murray and mickey made me think about death in a new way. Death is more than a goodbye. It is a test of life. Only by respecting life and realizing the warmth and coldness of the world with heart can we get indifferent mood to meet the coming of death and face the coming darkness without moving mountains. Only when we respect our life and devote ourselves to our own career, can we go without regretting this fate before we go, and can we accumulate the wisdom of life when we are old. After the baptism of death and time, the value of a person's life is finally reflected. Without all worldly things like fame and wealth, the existence behind us -- beautiful memories for others, deep thoughts that inspire others -- proves the true value of a life that comes in a hurry. When an old man in his twilight years confides in a young man who is deeply involved in life, the conversation reflects the whole picture of life. As the dialogue progresses, I am thinking about my life. I hope that I can spend the full years of my life in China and speak to the future youth about the spiritual treasure left over from the past decades.

