"Life has two cities, one for death and one for eternal life."
This is a story set in two great cities more than two hundred years ago.
Foggy, flickering headlights in London, the lowest level of desperate,
decadent Paris. Too many people have written too much about the great
revolution that took place in Paris. This is a significant shift for
France, even for Europe, and for the world. Dickens is one of the most
outstanding realistic critical writers in Britain. Although he did not
see it, he saw it by his own vivid imagination. Dr. Menette was a man of
integrity and generosity, the ideal embodiment of kindness. Lucy is the
personification of love and tenderness; Darnay was the one who showed
the ruling class the way out. These characters display virtues that
dickens, as a humanist, extolled. If there were more of them, the world
would be a better place, with no revolutions and no dangerous groups of
angry people. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of
times." the book is a testament to the evil of this age, and to the
evil of the previous age, which caused this evil, and which gradually
died for its own SINS. The Times that we die for love are the best for
love and the worst for innocence.