First barbie not shown to los tower from the beginning of love, to find
the los tower because bobby for old bryson trust, this paper confirms
that bobby very respected for its many times, such as though old Brian
made it clear to bobby is not interested in things, and even can be said
to be bored, bobby is the first to find the old Brian, and inquiries,
and tone from beginning to end is very humble. Lhota was also looking
for old Brian based on the trust, want to spend the money at once. In
the conversation with old Brian, when old Brian asked if there was any
other successor, bobby thought of miss Hayden and had some understanding
of her personality and hobbies -- she was a quiet girl... Love music...
In subsequent accounts, the author writes that he was pleased when he
gave a thousand dollars to miss Hayden; As he tore up the report and the
envelope, he smiled and whistled merrily. These expressions also
confirmed that bobby's affection for Hayden was genuine.