
The Poet and the Pe~

Whether poets or farmers, they seem to have nothing to do with it, they actually write about colored glasses. The works written by the unknown country poet are described by the editor as affectation, while the famous country writer who has never been seen in the city life has been praised by the editor. Look at a person to look at the inside, not the appearance. Looking at people with colored glasses will only get disdain and ridicule. But on the other hand, appearance is important to be respected. The rich farmer's clothes made the burglars unappealing, and the artist was seen as a poor actor, but only by changing into fashionable clothes, wearing taste, was eventually favored by the robbers. So it's right to wear something on any occasion. Wearing a formal suit at a game company is considered unusual, and wearing a ragged shirt at a luxury hotel is considered begging.

