Morgan Wang

Pride and Prejudice

Morgan Wang

“It is a truth universally acknowledged , that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” I still remember an axiom in the first sentence of the opening paragraph. Although I don't quite agree with it, I'm very impressed. The first sentence of the novel reflects the author's excellent literary skills. The sentence is gorgeous and even makes people feel a little pretentious. But after a careful reading, we find that there is no waste in the author's words. Every word is for better, more comprehensive and more specific expression of views. At the same time, it also subtly sets off the sense of nobility in Europe in the last century, which also lays the tone of the whole novel. Then the second paragraph still has a complex sentence structure. Three sentences are connected together, the content leads to the following. I read here, but also feel that the article is not very fluent to read, the author's writing is really too advanced, resulting in my reading some hardly. There are also numerous advanced vocabulary in the whole book, which reflects the author's superb literary quality. Moreover, there is a lot of dialogue to promote the development of the story. Among them, it is not difficult to see that the heroine's mother always makes a fuss when she talks, and her mind is pedantic, and she only wants to marry her daughter to a rich man.

This book mainly tells the pride and prejudice between the heroine Elizabeth and the hero Darcy, but the ending is good. In the process of reading, I always couldn't distinguish the identity of the characters at the beginning, but as the story gradually developed, I naturally understood the relationship between the characters. Everyone seems to say that Darcy is arrogant to Elizabeth, and Elizabeth is biased against Darcy. But after reading the book, I felt that both of them were arrogant and biased towards each other. Darcy was pretentious because of her noble birth, and was prejudiced by Elizabeth's poor birth and the vulgarity of her family. Elizabeth is arrogant because of her perseverance and self-confidence and her shame on Darcy. She is biased because of other people's gossip and misunderstanding of Darcy. They had a love for each other, but they made mistakes again and again because of various worldly misunderstandings. I was also very worried. Afterwards, Darcy left a letter to Elizabeth, which explained all misunderstandings clearly. Both of them were very brave, regardless of worldly vision, and finally came together because of their firm love for each other.

I imagine that such a happy ending in the novel is rare in real life. Besides their love, there are many examples of marriage for money in the book. I think the latter was the majority in British society at that time. Of course, the most moving one in the novel is Elizabeth's father, who is wise and loves Elizabeth. All fathers in the world love their daughters deeply like this.


