
reaction to a book

Robinson's story, an adventure and wealth legend of the ordinary middle class, is also the great sailing fantasy and self-ode of the British bourgeoisie at that time.Although he was on an uninhabited island with no hope of rescue, Crusoe did not go into depression. Instead, he gave full play to his subjective initiative and made a well-off life on the deserted island with his own thoughts and hands.The progress of Robinson Crusoe also lies in the fact that it takes the lead in describing the process of labor in detail, affirming and praising labor.Although "Robinson Crusoe" shaped a self-improvement and enterprising bourgeois vanguard, but everywhere in the text actually expressed the belligerence of the seafaring career, as well as to the stable life on the land of the bourgeoisie.As a story, "Robinson Crusoe", for ordinary bourgeois hero, belongs to the legend of the bourgeoisie, is described in detail description for the first time and affirmed the labor, and praised the rapid development of the bourgeoisie, also reflects the British bourgeoisie to colony "wealth of heaven and hell" wild, double impression.

