
Sister Carrie


  • In order to get rid of poverty, she sells her virginity. She has to live with a salesman and a hotel manager. After that, she becomes an actress with her beauty and singing voice. With Carrie as the representative, the writer profoundly exposed the cruelty of the American capitalist system to the poor people and the corrosiveness of the bourgeois lifestyle to the petty bourgeoisie. It can be seen from the novel that there are certain social factors to Carrie's depravity. First of all, because of the capitalist system at that time, Carrie was a representative of a group of people at the bottom of the society. She was forced by the hard life and had to go on the road of degeneration.On the other hand, it was Carrie's dissatisfaction with the current situation of life and her constant pursuit of a higher life to satisfy her own desires, which made the men she constantly depended on take the road of degeneration.
  • The two men with whom Carrie was most intricately involved were Drouet and Hurstwood. Carrie managed to find employment in a shoe factory, and it was very hard work. Even so, the wages she could earn were small. This was when she met drummer Drouet. Carrie became his mistress. But Carrie's longing for happiness could not be found in Drouet, who did not marry her formally. Hurstwood, the manager of the wine-shop, appeared, and Carrie took his side, until Drouet discovered him and, in a fit of rage, he left Carrie and went off alone.

