Truth is hidden in details
Many people wants to know why Holmes could always be aware of those key details. I want to answer this question by Holmes' dictum" Watson, because I am just seeking for it."
" Deduction"-first mentioned by Holmes in"A Study in Scarlet". This theory is wildly accepted by all detectives and scientists. For if we want to know how a event is going on, we should first make our hypothesis. Then we can find that something supports our prediction while others do not. So we need to find the more reasonable explanation. Through this procedure,we are gradually approaching the truth.
So now you could understand why did Holmes care about the writing style of those letters, why he wanted to know who would be benefited most after the bridegroom disappeared, why Mr.Windibank was only few years older than Miss Sutherland, why Mr Angel couldn't speak very well. All these isolated facts,with other minor things,pointed in one direction.
In the middle part of the story, we can discover an interesting phenomenon. When Miss Sutherland asked Holmes,"Then you don't think I'll see him again?" Holmes' answer is very firm. He said,"I fear not." Then we are sure that Holmes has figured out the case at that time. the works he did later were just the evidence that proving a fact--Holmes is right. I have one thing to support my judgement. In the end, when Holmes explained to Watson why he didn't tell the truth to Sutherland. He said,"If I tell her she will not believe me. You may remember the old Persian saying,‘There is danger for him who taketh the tiger cub, and danger also for who so snatches a delusion from a woman.’" I think Holmes believe that everything has its own destination. Only with this belief can Holmes be free of the interruption of unimportant factors. Though he didn't do what he should have done, but the result would be the same one. As Holmes himself said in the book,"I found her more interesting than her little problem."
Then another thing which can not be ingored is the appearance description of all clients. It is Watson's talent. For example, here is Watson's description of Miss Sutherland,"Well,she had a slate-colored, broad-brimmed straw hat, with a feather of a brickish red. Her jacket was black, with black beads sewn upon it, and a fringe of little black jet ornaments. Her dress was brown, rather darker than coffee colour, with a little purple plush at the meek and sleeves.Her gloves were greyish and were worn through at the right forefinger. Her boots I didn't observe..."
But how about Holmes' observation?
It is very simple,"sleeves, thumb-nails, boot-lace." An interesting thing is that Watson's description is told after Holmes'. It seems our lovely Watson doesn't think Holmes has a better insight than him. Although Watson noticed the gloves had been worn out, he didn't ever think what does it mean to the lady. Waston's description may be used to find a girlfriend.
The differences between Holmes and Watson inspire us to find out what is really important to us in our daily life. So we could have more extra time to analyse the problem and to work out the answer. However, Holmes is a detective. The odd and strange lifestyle (He is a drugster) is unhealthy.
But I don't mean that Watson always drew a bad conclusion. If you read more stories of Holmes. You will discover that Watson can sometimes give Holmes great inspiration. In fact, Watson could be Sir Arthur Conan Doyle himself. He wants to express a unique logical thinking that can actually exist in the world. We are just thinking to get the truth. We are just doing something strange but useful, and through all these facts we can catch the criminal. Thus, Watson is necessary.Because he represents a common logic while Holmes is just an absolutely strict logic. My comments are from this sentence,”Not in visible but unnoticed,Watson. You did not know where to look,and so you missed all that was important.(to the case)”
Then I want to share Watson's remark of Holmes to readers.For I can't find a better one.
"I had had so many reasons to believe in my friend's subtle powers of reasoning and extrodinary energy in action that I felt that he must have a solid grounds for tha assured and easy demeanour with which he treated the singular mystery which he had been called upon to fathom." So why did Doyle use such a long sentence without a break? The reason may be that Holmes' ratiocination is too simple but diffilcult to express. However, the origin appearance of an event is unblieveable simple.
Until this time, I still have some questions.If Windibank really wants to get the profit. Why didn't he just marry with his bride, but to get married with Miss Sutherland's mother? Another confusing thing is why Mr Windibank must hide his handwriting? For me, I can write letters in different styles. So I think he must have other reasons that can not be leaked. But Holmes might not be interested in this case.
"The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes"series could be the second wonderful works of Conan Doyle. Started with "A Scandal in Bohemia" , this series also have two more classic works--“The Red-headed League”and "The Speckled Band". Holmes' fans may know that even Sir Conan was famous for his novels. He didn't want to continue his writing. We can find some reasons in this very case.I believe that Holmes can only be a legend,not a real people.
Well, truth is hidden in details. We can not hope that those important evidence will jump up and say,"Hello, I am very important! Watch here!" "We are going to find the red string. When you eliminate all the incorrect assumption. The one remained, however impossible it could be, must be the truth." The classic conclusion of Holmes is always kept in my heart forever. So when I face a problem, the first thing I will do is to collect all the facts, and then figure out the relations among them. Sometimes we are just like a detcetive.My name--Sherringford, is the temporary name of Holmes before the first novel "A Study in Scarlet" was published. In another word, it means "the detective in experiment period". I want to use it to remind me of the long way I have to go to become an outstanding detective.
I hope more and more people can benefit from Holmes' story.