
Book Review


 tale of two cities" has deeply shaken my always enthusiastic and firm "revolutionary concept". It was a very different and the most remarkable revolution in French history: the French Revolution in 1792. The revolutionary masses are no longer a group of young people who create a people's Utopia, but more people at the bottom in rags. They have no bread, starve, suffer humiliation and oppression, and are full of resentment. In ordinary days, their pain is numb and pale. They are a group of docile sheep; Once the anger accumulates for a certain period of time, it will roll and explode in their chest like a wildfire. In a moment, the sheep will turn into a lion, open their teeth and claws, and counter attack the once mighty wolf.

But this fire will never be extinguished by getting rid of oppression by getting bread. I am surprised to see that the majority of the people who have been enthusiastically praised by many writers and poets are filled with the desire for hatred and revenge. Like boiling volcanic rock, it is hot enough to quickly involve anyone in it and turn into nothing in an instant. They screamed, shouted and grinned. They pointed their swords at the aristocrats who oppressed them in the past, and vented their anger with blood and death. Even the innocent people involved in this can hardly escape the vortex of revenge.


