水蜜桃奶芙.o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o


水蜜桃奶芙.o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o
Calmly distinguish the difference between imagination and reality. She doesn't let the madness of love lose herself, but wants to grasp the real love with a sober self. She was never discouraged by life and never gave up herself. Instead, she moved forward steadily. She fell in love with Rochester, but when they entered the auditorium, a series of shocking events slowly occurred, blocking their happiness.Her life and destiny are rich and colorful. Finally, she finally won the victory and gained dignified happiness. She walked together with Rochester and created an extraordinary life. Jane Eyre, let me see the beautiful and intoxicating beauty of human nature, and see a female image who is neither humble nor arrogant in the unremitting pursuit of innocence, love, dignity, faith and ideal.

