

Life is a joke! After reading Maggie's gift, I couldn't help feeling. Maggie sold her long hair and bought a watch chain for her husband; But the husband sold the gold watch in exchange for a comb worthy of his wife's beautiful hair. Carefully prepared gifts have no "place to use". What a lovely fool! The funny stories between poor couples make readers both regret and comfort. This is O'Henry's magic. No wonder his work is called "tears with laughter". Perfect feelings are always comforting. Even if the burden of life is heavy, the shoulders will be full of strength. In life, it will not be calm, and we will inevitably encounter ups and downs. Learning to deal with ourselves is the most important, but at the same time, the love and encouragement of others are also very important for us to overcome difficulties. Therefore, show more care for the people around you. Cultivate and take care of the flowers of friendship, family affection and feelings with sincere rain and dew, considerate and wind, generous soil and kind sunshine, so as to make them gorgeous and fragrant your life! Ordinary people can be great. Old Behrman, who was ugly and grumpy, was a frustrated painter. In ordinary life, he appears rude and stubborn. However, when his neighbor Johnsy was dying of illness and waiting to float with the last ivy leaf, he completed the most outstanding work of his life - an ivy leaf that will never fall on the wall on a stormy night. Johnsy gained the courage to live, while old Behrman died of typhoid fever. The ending is that twists and turns, with a bit of sadness. The image of the painter old Behrman suddenly became tall. The novel is fictional, but it is a portrayal of real life. We are surrounded by ordinary but great people in the novel. In the catastrophic debris flow disaster in Zhouqu, a large number of civilian heroes emerged. They are selfless, heroic and admirable. O'Henry's novel is like a mountain rising into the clouds. It cuts off the dusk and makes a sharp comparison between good and evil, beauty and ugliness. Whenever I encounter something that makes me moved or angry, I will open O'Henry's novels. The powerful word magic makes me smile and cry.

