

Shakespeare's play, written in his later years, is by no means a portrait of a hero at war. He's describing the temperament and duty of a noble. The differences between the endowments of the aristocracy and the commoners are particularly striking -- almost against the tide, since Shakespeare lived in an era of equality when the third estate took the political stage. For those of us who grew up with the idea that "the working people are the most glorious" and that "democracy is the trend of the world", it may have been hard to accept at first that such an aristocrat, who hated the rags of the masses, could be a positive hero while the two populist defenders were portrayed as rabble-rousers and incompetent. It is easy to forget, entering the age of universal suffrage, that guardians and producers have different divisions of Labour, different endowments and different demands. In the democratic age of Athens and in Shakespeare's plays, the conflict between aristocrats and commoners is primarily manifested. The noble guards the city, while the common people produce in the city, this win-win situation, in special cases, the noble in the battlefield achievements, returned to the city was abandoned by the people. Such was the fate of the heroic Coriolanus: instead of being praised, the people, at the instigation of the two tribunes, threatened to kill him and banished him. The pleb's reason: he is arrogant to the people. Shakespeare, however, focuses on Coriolanus's humility after victory, his devotion to his fellow soldiers, his refusal to accept direct praise from his commanding officer, and his refusal to win praise by publicly displaying his wounds. He is such a respectful person, but his words look down on the "many-headed monster", look down on their virtue, so it is regarded by the common people as "arrogant". By no means does Shakespeare use this tragedy to warn us that heroes also need to be politically tactful. Rather, he is evoking an image of heroes who are not politically tactful, symbols of pure bravery, treasures of every community worth defending. He warned rather protected medians not to try to bend heroes to the will of the people. Heroes are guardians and saviors, and they have a different world.

