

overview of the whole book In the poor small vitlage ofst.Petersbnng.thek was a big commotion, which was caused by tuo little naughty boys, 7om Sawyer and Hucklebeny Finn. When they were playing in the ear hole of Markuta,they found the skeleton of the murderous murderer Ying Jianggiao and a large sum ofmoney. Yingjiang Qiao hid the hnge stolen morey in the lave, but he staned to death in the (ave berause he could not find an exit. Tom and Huck beame rich when they found the hnge money. when they retumed to the uillage, they (awed a stir.Huck, a uanderirg urchin, was finaly adopted by widow Dougas and brught up severely by her. of Course, Huck's money was also collected by her. Althongh Huck lived in Douglas'honse,his natural wildness made him unbearable, so he often ran anay from home. At that moment, a mman who never. showved up but claimed to be Hucks father wanted to talke Huck away and get the money back. Hucks father was a drunkard and hooligan.He makes trouble every tme he gets chrunk.The vilbges uere

