
Freedom is the best


The key word for this book is just one word ' wandering'. Huck has always been wandering, always. He has been wandering for so long, is it not for money? Not really, he's for a free and easy day! It can be seen how important freedom is to him, and similarly, freedom also has profound implications for us. The Huangarian poet Fedolfi once said,"Life is truly precious, love is more valuable, and if it is for freedom, both can be thrown away." This means that although life is precious, love is more precious, but if I were to make a choice between the two and freedom, then I would throw away these two things because freedom is even more precious.

Due to the precious value of freedom, people in history did not dare to do anything that was not too bad or not good, as it would result in being imprisoned, plundered for years, decades, and even a lifetime of freedom. No one can be comfortable without freedom, but there are still some people in history who have gradually lost the freedom that belongs to them. These people are now primary, middle, and high school students, who have been gradually taken away by tutoring classes on their growth path. Lost their desire to belong to themselves. I hope all parents can respect their children's free time and their wishes, and not only care about the numbers on their transcripts.


