
Beautiful story, well worth re


I picked up this book with a great background history of the Bronte sisters. Emily was the most sheltered and out of her came Wuthering Heights which is an intense story of love, hate, and passion. The book criticizes society at the time and really holds nothing back. There is no real happy ending here but the book does take you along an interesting path that deals with race, class, and religious issues.

   Bronte seemed to have modeled the character and conditions of Jane Eyre around her own life, so the novel has some biographical elements. While there really isn't a happy ending in this book---there is hope. And the hope is for the happiness and contentment of the next generation, a blending of two families---and what was thought to be an unlikely match of this young man and woman.

   I like how Bronte adds subtle symbolism to express her sentiments on social class. Bertha, Rochester's wife from Jamaica, seems to be a representation of the Victorian wife. She is "trapped" both physically and mentally, to the bounds of marriage between her and Rochester.

   I’m going to be honest: if I didn’t have to read this book for school, I probably wouldn’t have. I’m glad I did though.       Jane Eyre is a great read for anyone who is looking for a long but fast moving book with a meaningful plot line. I would recommend it any day.

   Though the book itself is very long, it is a quick read. If any part is slow-moving it is the part in which Jane is a governess at Thornfield Hall. I'm not much for romantic literature, so I found Jane's constant thoughts about Mr. Rochester boring. On the other hand, my favorite part of the book is early on in Jane's early childhood days. I found her Cinderella like experience intriguing, and Bronte’s enchanting language created vivid imagery that made me feel like I was inside the book.


