
a breif review on Kinding the


Well,it is definitely a truth that there exist great differences between high school education and college education,the former pays more attention to one's scores while the latter focus more on the creative thoughts and the practical abilities of us students.there is no denying that both of them are of great significance to the mental and physical development  of students,but we should get rid of  the shackles of fixed thinking but try to convert the way of thinking and judge sth in a more critical and flexible way .Well,let me pick out one of the most impressive sentences in this artical as the end of my short review.

:At university, the classes are harder, but they are so much more rewarding. Now instead of rote memorization of facts, you are given the chance to ponder ideas that have no right answer. Independent thought is the key to success in the class, even if the idea is completely wrong. Should you have the courage to present your idea, even if it is wrong, then the lesson will have been learnt.


