


Throughout the whole text of the Republic, it can be found that the narrative of this work is developed and extended based on the dialogue and debate of the characters. The beginning of the book is like the chatter of friends, the reader can easily follow their footsteps; Through this prologue, the reader is gradually taken to a dark and dense forest, which is full of esoteric metaphysics and dialectics, many places make people puzzled; When this forest is exhausted, suddenly ushered in an easy-to-understand fairy tale, as if came to a lawn to let people rest. The five, six, and seven volumes of the book are located in that forest, a part of the book that deviates from its central theme of "justice." In these three books, Socrates, Glaucon and Ardimantus talk about women and children in the ideal city-state; There was talk of abolishing the family and building the city-state into a single "big family"; They talked about philosophers as rulers of the city. In this part, Socrates, in order to better illustrate his proposed theory, puts forward three metaphors: the sun, the line segment, and the cave. These three metaphors are ambiguous and need to be analyzed.


