


Starring Abigail Breslin, Joan Cusack, Glenne Headly, Jane Krakowski, Chris O'Donnell, Julia Ormond, Wallace Shawn, and Stanley Tucci,Bright, inquisitive and generous, Kit is a natural born leader. But her happy childhood is abruptly interrupted when her father loses his care dealership and must leave to Cincinnati to look for work. Kit and her mother Margaret are left to manage on their own, growing vegetables, selling eggs and even taking an assortment of boarders. When Kit’s mother and the boarders become the latest victims in a string of robberies, the Kittredges face losing their house to foreclosure. Determined to recover the stolen money, Kit recruits her friends to help her track down the culprit. Together they uncover plot that goes gar be yond Cincinnati.It's about time they made these movies for kids instead of the shoot-em-up junk that attracts kids nowadays. It's also about time girls were the focus of movies. Where have all the young female role models gone? I just saw Kit and am very pleased at the movie. The historical references are very accurate, the story is accurate as to what was happening the the Depression, and children can learn a lot from this movie. Also, children were respectful to their elders, it's a "clean" movie, but there's a great message and it's about time. No, it's not going to win any Academy Awards, but it might give kids today an idea of what life was like during a particularly troubling period in American history

Great actors plus good script equals a good, but utterly forgettable movie. I accidentally watched this movie three separate times in a six month window, only to remember that I'd seen it based on a single scene fifteen minutes before the end credits making me suspicious and my ...( read more)suspicion verified by the final scenes before the end credits. Since people say it is a good movie, I have since watched it an additional two times suffering the same horrific suspicions and revalations with each viewing. Its a good kid flick to watch once, but certainly not three or even five times.

Kit Kittredge (Abigail Breslin) is a friendly young girl enjoying life in the year 1934. Kit's family is part of a fairly wealthy social circle, but times are starting to get very hard. Kit's father (Chris O'Donnell) has lost his job, and is forced to go to Chicago to seek work. ...( read more)In the meantime, Kit and her mother (Julia Ormond) are forced to take in boarders in order to pay the mortgage. Very quickly, the Kittredge household becomes filled with a variety of eccentric figures, including a clever magician (Stanley Tucci), a loopy dancer (Jane Krakowski) and a mobile librarian (Joan Cusack). Just as Kit is getting used to her new situation, something mysterious starts happening. Robberies are beginning to take place in Kit's home town, and many are blaming members of the hobo community. In fact, one of the key suspects is a young man named Will (Max Thieriot), a hobo who has been doing work for the Kittredge family in exchange for a little money and food. However, Kit is convinced of Will's innocence, and determines to solve the mystery. The film is a gentle and thoughtful little period piece that somewhat resembles an exceptionally good Nancy Drew story. Breslin is indeed the best thing about the movie, never once coming across as too contemporary for the time. But she's also so cinematically precocious, so completely a work of manufactured motion picture moralizing that she fails to come across as a real kid. Cusack usually delivers first-rate performances, but this one is a disappointment.  退一步讲,同为无根的“漂一族”,在努力追逐梦想的同时,也都十分迫切地渴望在他乡异国寻求到一份安全感与归属感,而如果说在内地的北京生活打拼相对容易的话,那么要想走出国门在纽约实现梦想出人头地,而且还是作为一名像茉莉这般独自在纽约奋斗的柔弱女子,则更加难上加难。




