
About John’s feminist critique


For me,John Ruskin is a real thinker in aesthetic and a real philosopher in life.Rather than seeing this book as a book,I prefer to regarding it as a carrier of John’s attitude towards the beauty of world,which is made up of three speech drafts.Talking aesthetic,talking lives,talking belief,he spoke enthusiastically.I can imagine it in my mind,——such a high-spirit old man.With such a long speech draft,standing at the stage,John taught the audience present,taught people nowadays,about loving life,helping the poor,believing god.

   In John’s book,he talks about his thoughts of women’s life,which is full of humanistic color.There is no doubt that today we are living in a relatively equal and civilized society,but we can’t deny that though living in such a world,some people,especially women,still are going through agony and bitterness.On the way women developing their equal right, they must experience much hardship.In Victorian epoch,John had put forward his own thinking about this in his speech.His perspective is highly thought and being seen writing with a feminist critique of Victorian lady kindly and humanly.This significant aspect should be considered and understood deeply. In this aspect,several I think valuable points in John’s book can be listed and I want to simply talk about my comprehension about them.

   John thinks women should have their fair dignity,accept reasonable education and share the same politic and cultural status as men have.From this point,we can know that John encourage society to establish sex-equal internal operating mechanism,helping women gain sense of personal identification and value identification.Only in this way can women play a real part in development of history and the society functions more effective.

   Isn't it so?I can see women’s potential in society activity.They do have ability in IQ and EQ to help develop the history.No one men didn’t get enlighten from women,with sex or mother love.Women have their own nature and talent,maybe in some way are better than men.

   But,each coin has two sides.On the one side,John’s opinions are significant and have their own value.But,on the other side,John is too emotional some time.To his several point,I hold my own point.Firstly,to some extent,John’s discussion for “sesame” is not enough objective.He think many parents educate their children ,intending to cater to their vanity or even gain money in the future.It is a one-side point.I can’t deny parent totally have not this kind of through.But it can’t be put in the first place for parents.Take myself as an example,my father want to cultivate me to be doctor,but he said:”You don’t need to repay me,I have social security.What you have learned is for yourself,is for enriching your life.”My father just want me to develop overall ability,not for himself.Apart from this,I want to talk about John’s point on “lilies”.He even think female should be main governor.It is encouragements but is irrational and not objective.(just because female grow faster and earlier?)From my point of view,the ones who have strong ability should be the governor of the whole society.

   All in all,I appreciate John’s profound insights in the late 19 century.John’s speech really enlightens us that those people who are busiest all over the world are those who put the problem about self-promotion primly in heart.So,no matter whether you are men or women,you should promote yourself and then talk about accomplishment.Setting a target,confidently and ecclesiastically,we should be the men/women like John,who can not only spending several hours drawing a piece of leaf,but also show the beauty with his sincere feeling and cheer the life.


