

Gone With the Wind is an American novel published in 1936 by Margaret Mitchell. The novel is the only work published by its author during her lifetime and is one of the best-selling novels in American history. Gone With the Wind is set on the eve of the American civil war in 1861. Scarlett, a girl living in the south, has been deeply influenced by the southern cultural tradition since her childhood, but in her blood there is a wild rebellious factor. With the spread of the war and the deterioration of the living environment, Scarlett's rebellious personality became more and more abundant and distinct. In a series of setbacks, she transformed herself, changed the fate of herself and even her whole family, and became the image of a new woman created by the Times.
Here shows the ending part of this novel. Scarlett finds out that her true love is Rhett and she tells him her attitude. However, Rhett's love for her has been wore out by her, and Rhett is going to leave her. Finally, Scarlett decides to pursue her love.
To be honest, I partly don't agree with Scarlett's value about love.

