
2.9 descriptions on Sir John and Lady Middleton.

2.9 Find the descriptions on Sir John and Lady Middleton.


  • 显操
    Sir John was a sportsman, Lady Middleton a mother; he could only go shooting for half the year, while his wife was able to spoil her children all year round. 'He was so hospitable that they almost always had relations or friends staying in the house, but Lady Middleton's main interest lay in the elegance of her table and her domestic arrangements, of which she was extremely proud. Sir John's enjoyment of society was much more real than his wife's; he toolk delight in collecting about him more young people than his house would hold, and the noisier they were, the better he liked it. Barton Park was famous for its summer parties and excursions, and its winter dances.


  • 用户526139
    Sir John was a sportsman, he could,only go shooting for half the year.He was so hospitable that they almost always had realtions or friends staying in the house,his enjoyment of society was much more real than his wife’s,he took delight in collecting about him more young people than his house would hold,and the noiser they were,the better he liked it. Lady Middleton was able to spoil her child all year round. She’s main interest lay in the elegance of her table and her domestic arrangements,of which she was extremely pround.
