


Volunteer experience 做志愿者的经验 

Many nonprofit and charitable organizations need volunteers to sustain their cause. If you have done volunteer work, use this to get any job. Volunteer work mirrors the work of any organization. Fundraisers develop good marketing skills.  很多的非营利性机构,慈善组织需要志愿者去维持机构的运转。要是你做过志愿者,就用这些经验去找工作吧。志愿者的工作就是许多工作的缩影。募捐就有助于营销经验的培养。  

Life experience 生活经验  

Think about experiences in your life that can benefit an employer. If you were a stay-at-home mom for a few years you know how to organize, multitask and deal with money. If you had to care for an ill or disabled household member you can handle stress and time management.  想想那些生活中能让老板受益的情景。要是你在家和妈妈一起很多年,你就知道如何安排做事,如何一次做多件事,如何安排自己的开销。要是你要照顾家里的病患,残疾人士,你能够面对这些压力,合理的安排时间。  

Educational skills 知识技能  

Getting a job without experience with just a college degree can be frustrating. I graduated from college with a degree in Criminal Justice. Most of the jobs were in public service with a defined set of qualifications. I was limited from many positions that required experience.  找工作没有经验,只有大学文聘是很让人沮丧的。我毕业的时候就只有一个刑事司法的大学文聘。大部分的工作都是有资格限制的公众服务性工作。对于那些有经验要求的职务,我就没有办法了。  

Extracurricular activities 参加课外活动  

If you are gearing up to graduate or recently left school reflect on what you did outside of classes. Hopefully it was not just hanging out playing video games or looking for the next party. Were you active in sports, student activities and campus events? Put these in your career correspondence like the resume. Show what you did to benefit the school and its community.  要是你即将毕业,或者是不久以后就要毕业了,想想你都参加过哪些课外活动。希望不只是玩游戏,或者想着参加下一场聚会。你曾经是否积极地活动在运动场,积极参加同学活动,校园活动?把这些都加进你的履历中,展示出你过去做过什么,从学校、社区的这些活动中收获了什么。  

Network 人际关系  

Nearly 80 percent of available jobs are never advertised. How can you get any job if this is true? Through your network. Networking is the most effective way to find a job. Companies are scared to hire people they do not know. If there is a degree of familiarity through connections, that fear subsides.  大约有80%的工作都不需要用招聘广告的方式招聘人才。要是真的是这样,你要怎么找工作呢?那就利用好你的人际关系。人际关系是找工作最有效的方式。公司也不敢招聘那些他们不熟悉的人。要是曾经有接触,是熟识的,那么这种恐惧感就会消失。  This does not mean you have to develop a large network to get any job.  这也不是说为了找工作你就得编织出一张大的人际关系网。  

The right attitude 正确的态度  

One of the keys to get any job with your current experience is to have the right attitude. A positive outlook and outgoing demeanor can be a game changer. Employers are impressed with applicants who are sociable. Look at each potential employer as a partner and what the benefits of both sides could be.  有了目前的这些经验,找到一份工作的关键因素就是有一个正确的态度。一种积极地态度,比较外向的行为会让情况有些改变。老板通常都会对那种社交能力较好的人印象深刻。观察那些可能成为老板的同伴,观察一下可能为双方带来的利益。 

Employers are seeking more than just your skills and experience. They want the whole person who can fit well with their culture and environment. When you show what you bring you can get any job with your current experience.  老板想要的不只是你的技能,你的经验。他们想要的是和他们公司文化,公司环境相符的那样一个人。当你表现出你用你已有的经验能为公司创造些什么的时候,你就能获得这份工作了。


