



  • Jason1220
    From the old man, I realized that we must persevere and never give up halfway. Like the old man in the article, he endured the fish for so long even though he was getting old. This story let me understand the old man's persistence and strong, I should learn from the old man.


  • 丁瑜洁
    Jane went to lowood School, a institution dedicated to raising orphans.As yet I had spoken to no one, nor did anybody seem to take notice of me; I stood lonely enough: but to that feeling of isolation I was accustomed. A little food is provided.Living conditions are very difficult. Jane was still hungry after eating.luckily, a teacher began to talk with her about some conditions in this school.Going there is bound to experience loneliness and some unknown difficulties.I hope she gets through this.


  • 森林少女
    Anyway, the wind is my friend. And the sea, where we have friends and enemies. The old man said. The old man is a very tenacious person, he is not afraid of the sea, not afraid of pain, he likes the feeling of fighting, he is with a heart beating with love. This never-say-die spirit inspires us!


  • 刘怡博
    The old man was dragged by the fish and did not change his direction and course.The old man was dragged by the fish for a long time in the stormy waves, and he did not change his direction and course.He is fighting with nature with his will.


  • 王鑫悦…
    Helen was a friend of Jane when she was at school.There was a teacher called Miss Scatcherd who was always directed against Helen. She scolded Helen whenever she had a chance. But Helen was pretty positive towards these. She believed that since life was short,we should be happy. Helen had a strong character as a kid. I think that must due to her early experience as an orphan. She could face anything peacefully. Many adults can't do that in my opinion


  • 王鑫悦…
    1.Prince Charles infected with a new Coronavirus. It is in good condition now. The statement said there was no known where the virus was found. 2.China's education is developing continuously, especially in the poorly areas. The country develops the teachers and school environment in the poorly areas, so provide a good education environment for all students


  • 王鑫悦…
    1.Prince Charles infected with a new Coronavirus. It is in good condition now. The statement said there was no known where the virus was found. 2.China's education is developing continuously, especially in the poorly areas. The country develops the teachers and school environment in the poorly areas, so provide a good education environment for all students


  • 是拾柒吖
    The old man told the boy to go to bed early and take him fishing the next day. They went down the road until they came to the old man's hut. The boy took the rope, the harpoon and the gaff from the basket. The old man carried the rolled mast on his shoulder.


  • 丁瑜洁
    As her antagonism with her aunt was more open and determined, Mrs. Reed hurried Jane to the orphanage, In order to get rid of Jane Eyre, she vilify Jane Eyre everywhere in front of Mr. Brocklehurst, destroying Jane Eyre's reputation.Growing up in such an environment, Jane had to form a strong inferiority complex character.


  • 刘爽啊
    The basic plot of the Great Gatsby also belongs to the same pattern, but Fitzgerald's genius turns a "triangle relationship" without much romantic color into a unique "great" Gatsby's soul suffering from a tragic love.
