Do not control your partner. We all know that violence is not an acceptable way to control partner. But know that using guilt or shame is just as damaging. Guilting or shaming to control your partner is emotional abuse. Do not attempt to control your partner. This is an extension of "Do not try to change your partner" step.
Love Them for Who They Are and do not try to change your partner.Accept that you can only change yourself, not your partner. This is perhaps the hardest but most important tenet of a solid relationship. You should never enter a relationship with the plan to "fix" your partner. You need to accept the fact that your partner may never change, and be okay with that. To do otherwise is a guaranteed way to frustrate yourself and alienate your partner.
The first is communication. Lack of effective communication is the number one killer of a relationship.
Mutual understanding is the insulation of marriage.
The second is trust. The higher the trust, the longer the marriage.
Third, a happy marriage is the result of mutual achievement.
You show me mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, And I give you gentleness and love, which may be the most common but also the most fulfilling aspect of marriage.