
About Werther

What kind of person do you think Werther is?


  • 陈娇
    He is the image of a German progressive youth. He is idealistic, talented, eager for freedom, and trying to make a difference. However, the dull and humble reality, the arrogance and prejudice of the nobility, the corruption of the government and the mediocrity of the citizens all made him intolerable. He felt lonely and depressed, but he could do nothing. He had to find some relief from nature, innocent children and simple farmers.


  • 张笑葳
    His nature is pure and he yearns for freedom. But he is also a little stubborn, and independent-minded. He hates secular hierarchy, and also believes that everyone is equal. He is a pitiful, tragic figure. And he is too sincere to everyone. Living in the secular, unsophisticated he is a person who is respected and loved tenderly by people.


  • Wether was a likeable young man, though of a bourgeois background; But his intellect was quick, his feelings delicate and rich, and he had an ardent feeling for nature and an infinite admiration for it.


  • Te   Fuir
    Te Fuir
    The boy , who has liberty, learning, money, servants, leisure, was unhappy at work, dissatisfied with society, hopeless at love,He had a strong emotion for life, society, and nature. He rejoiced in the shade of the tree, and was heartbroken when the tree was cut down.
