
4.2 失恋了怎么办?


4.2 If you departed with your boyfriend or girlfriend, would you like to be Elinor, hiding your feelings and showing a brave face, or to be Marianne, openly and fully expressing your sorrows?  如果你失恋了,你会像姐姐Elinor那样,将悲伤藏在心里,还是像妹妹Marianne那样,毫无保留的表现出来?



  • 曹杰
    If I am lovelorn, I will divert my attention and not indulge in it too much. I will listen to music, run, find something for myself and keep myself busy. Although I will show myself like Marianne, I will not be so sad like her


  • 苏杰玲
    Like Eleanor, I hide all my emotions. Sometimes when you talk to someone and they comfort you, you feel more wronged and sad. I will keep everything to myself.


  • 林文娜
    If I am lovelorn I will not be like my sister will be sad in the heart, also will not be like my sister unreserved show. Forget what should be forgotten, remember what should be remembered, accept what should be accepted, and then change what can be changed. Can not say bad to forget, happy to remember, this may make me more painful. For me, if I can't forget or accept something that I can't accept, I will take it as a motive force for change. It will be rooted in my heart naturally, without reluctance or guilt. In life is fate, not together is fate has done This is not cheating, can only say that this is the best way to get out of the lovelorn self comfort. Regardless of love and hate, in the moment that say do not love, a knife cut off, gone without a trace.


  • 余棋华
    Lovelornness is not the end of the world, but it should be vented. You can talk to your friends, travel, divert your attention, and keep yourself as busy as possible.


  • 赖洋宾
    In fact, lovelorn is not terrible, the real terrible is that after lovelorn can not face the person left blank. After being lovelorn, if you feel uncomfortable, just feel uncomfortable. It's probably the best way to self-healing


  • 赖菁琳
    First, from your own character, I think I am a relatively reasonable person. Secondly, I think the appropriate performance and my emotions are beneficial to people's physical and mental health. We don't have to do 100% hidden or completely showed It only needs to be reserved.


  • 刘布艳
    I will hide my sadness. This is in the depressed mood has not been self-repair, if at this time, to tell friends about your sadness, it will only let the friends around constantly comfort you, and this process is difficult to avoid not mentioning the ex-boyfriend, which is constantly remind the existence of the ex-boyfriend.


  • 王强
    In the novel when Eleanor heard Lucy Steele confidently tell her that they were engaged to each other for four years, she swallowed up her feelings and promised her secrecy. Elinor, who had kept to herself the bitterness of her disappointment, and who had been greatly affected by her final refusal by Willoughby, did her utmost to comfort and help her to cheer up, even during her illness I have been losing love ,but I can go out from losing love ,because I know that I should distract yourself appropriately and confide in a friend. After the brokenhearted care is more uncomfortable, feeling psychological empty, so try not to stay alone, go out for a walk more, can also do a thing you like, make yourself busy.


  • 易志冰
    Start loving myself more, focus on myself, live better than him.


  • 刘诺男
    I will openly and fully expressing my sorrows.
