
Week 10-12 Q1


What is Chinese ideological concept on colors?  43%



  • 展锦豪
    Actually, in Chinese culture there has always been a cautious attitude toward very bright colors. If a person fixes his eyes on bright colors for a long time, he will be drawn into them and feel dizzy. Moreover, splendid colors can arouse people's desires and disturb their peace of mind. According to Chinese philosophy, external splendor and prosperity cannot necessarily represent the truth of the world. If one wants to know the real meaning of the world, one must look beyond superficial phenomena


  • 小孟.
    Chinese artists have a special and passionate love for the black and white world, which is characterized only by black ink on white paper or silk. The black and white world, for the Chinese, is a colorless world without bright, gorgeous colors. Chinese painting basically attaches great importance to color. A good example is that in the early days, painting was called "red and green color" in China. Chinese artists have always advocated "replacing color with color" -- the world is a riot of colors, and the responsibility of the painter is to reproduce the world with colorful colors.
