4. What is the meaning of the sculpture named “Galloping Horse Overtaking a Flying Swallow”?
2022-12-10 刪除 喜欢(0)
2022-12-06 刪除 喜欢(0)
1. Galloping over the swallow's back in a volley;
2. A metaphor for the speed of a good horse.
2022-12-04 刪除 喜欢(0)
2022-10-30 刪除 喜欢(0)
2022-10-29 刪除 喜欢(0)
2022-10-25 刪除 喜欢(0)
海明威经典短篇集(四) Classic Writings of Ernest Hemingway ...
论法的精神(第四卷) The Spirit of Laws (Book IV)
战争论(第四篇 战斗) On War(Book IV The Combat)
特洛伊罗斯与克丽西达(第4册) Troilus and Criseyde Book IV