The fourth part, "The Journey of Houyhnhnms", reflects the author's attempt to describe the virtues of people in a real natural state under a patriarchal system, so as to form a sharp contrast with the civilization of the bourgeoisie and the nobility. In the description of the author, Yehu of Houyhnhnhnhnhnms is actually the concentrated embodiment of all the bad habits in the bourgeois society at that time, and in fact, it can be said that the author exposes the most ugly side of human nature. On the Houyhnhnhnms, the author's praise and yearning for the good character of people are reposed. Of course, this also exposes the author's own contradictory psychology, that is, he thinks that the natural state of patriarchal clan system may be the best way to get rid of the existing social system, but in fact, it is impossible to go back after entering the class society. This also reflects that due to historical limitations, the author is unable to find a way out of the ugliness of mankind.