


1In the context of school and society, the concept of school  occupation often involves the cultivation of comprehensive education  beyond traditional subjects.It involves developing skills such as  critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and adaptability to  prepare students for different career paths and challenges in a  changing employment environment.

2. " From the perspective of children, the huge waste in school  usually refers to the fact that the traditional education system may  not be able to make full use of or cater to each student's personal  advantages, interests and learning methods.This means missed  opportunities to develop each child's unique potential, leading to a  more standardized, but perhaps less satisfying, educational experience.

3.3. Literature plays a multi-faceted role in school education.It is  a tool for developing language skills, developing critical thinking  and promoting empathy.Through literature, students have access to  different perspectives, cultural and historical contexts that expand  their understanding of the world.In addition, it enhances creativity  and imagination while also providing a platform for exploring moral  and ethical dilemmas.


