
岑宏刚5~6周 刚毅~气质之性 刚毅firm and resolute 寡欲restraining desires 《战国策》Strategies of the Warring States 《西厢记》The Romance of the West Chamber 浑沌chaos 二十四节气the twenty-four solar terms 立春Beginning of Spring, 春分Vernal Equinox, 立夏Beginning of Summer, 夏至Summer Solstice, 立秋Beginning of Autumn, 秋分Autumnal Equinox, 立冬Beginning of Winter, 冬至Winter Solstice; 惊蛰Waking of Insects, 清明Fresh Green, 小满Lesser Fullness, 芒种Grain in Ear; 雨水Rain Water, 谷雨Grain Rain, 小暑Lesser Heat, 大暑Greater Heat, 处暑End of Heat, 白露White Dew, 寒露Cold Dew, 霜降First Frost, 小雪Light Snow, 大雪Heavy Snow, 小寒Lesser Cold, 大寒Greater Cold. 楷书regular script 科举the omperial civil examination system 隶书clerical script 《说文解字》Explanation of Script and Elucidation of Characters 六艺the six arts 礼、乐、射、御、书、术 the six skills of rituals, music, archery, charioteering, the structures of written characters, and mathematics 7周 前识~天子 清明节the Qingming Festival 寒食节the Hanshi ("Cold Food") Festival 《左传》Zuo's Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals 春节the Spring Festival 端午节the Dragon Boat Festival 中秋节the Mid-Autumn Festival 三才:天、地、人the Three Elements:heaven, earth, and man(humanity) 水墨画ink wash painting 斯文be cultured and refined 四书the four books 《论语》《孟子》《大学》《中庸》The Analects, Mencius, The Great Learning, and The Doctrine of the Mean 太极taiji 《汉书》The History of the Han Dynasty 《荀子》Xunzi
230240112The twenty-four solar terms in China are the beginning of spring, the beginning of summer, the beginning of summer, the beginning of autumn, the autumn equinox, the beginning of winter, the winter solstice, the Waking of Inststs, Qingming, Xiaoman, Mangzhong, rain, rain, small heat, small heat, severe heat, white dew, cold dew, frost, small snow, big snow, small cold, big cold
230240112The twenty-four solar terms in China are the beginning of spring, the beginning of summer, the beginning of summer, the beginning of autumn, the autumn equinox, the beginning of winter, the winter solstice, the Waking of Inststs, Qingming, Xiaoman, Mangzhong, rain, rain, small heat, small heat, severe heat, white dew, cold dew, frost, small snow, big snow, small cold, big cold
用户7294721. In all cases, the arising of tones (音 yīn) is born in the hearts of men. The movement of men's hearts is made so by [external] things. They are touched off by things and move, thus they take shape in [human] sound (聲 shēng). Sounds respond to each other, and thus give birth to change. Change forms a pattern, and this is called tones (yīn). The sounds are brought close and found enjoyable (樂 lè), and reaches the point of shields and axes, feathers and pennants, and this is called music (樂 yuè)
岑宏刚2~4周 八卦~感物 八卦the eight trigrams 《尚书》The Book of History 仁benevolence 草书cursive script 篆书seal script 楚辞Chuci (Ode of Chu) 《诗经》The Book of Songs 《浣纱记》The Story of Washing Gauze 《桃花扇》Peach Blossom Fan 《长生殿》The Palace of Eternal Life 春节the Spring Festival 正月初一the first day of the Lunar New Year 腊月二十三 the 23rd day of the last lunar month 祭灶神make offerings to the Kitchen God 正月十五the 15th day of the first lunar month 元宵节the Lantern Festival 祭神祭祖pay tribute to deities and their ancestors/make sacrifices to ancestors and deities 贴春联贴年画post auspicious couplets and New Year paintings 买年货buy new year's goods 穿新衣put on new clothes 吃团圆饭have a family reunion dinner 给孩子发压岁钱 give children gift money 守岁stay up the whole night on New Year's Eve to say goodbye to the departing year 放鞭炮set off firecrackers 走亲访visit relatives and friends 《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋时期 the Spring and Autumn Period 春秋笔法the style of The Spring and Autumn Annals 《四库全书》The Complete Library of the Four Branches of Literature “大节”与“小节”major principles and minor principles 大同universal harmony 《礼记》The Book of Rites 《汉书》The History of the Han Dynasty 《孟子》Mencius 《老子》Laozi 大篆greater seal script 《周易/易经》The Book of Changes 《论语》The Analects 《文心雕龙》The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons 《墨子》Mozi 《庄子》Zhuangzi 《韩非子》Hanfeizi 封建the feudal system / feudalism