莫琳微From the first time Jane Eyre heard the strange laughter, Jane Eyre often heard this strange laughter in Sangfield crazy woman like air, anytime and anywhere appear in Jane Eyre's life, but also in Jane Eyre's life. Jane Eyre found that this servant behaved strangely and acted mysteriously, which blurred Jane Eyre's consciousness. She thought that Grace Poole was the master of laughter. The mystery and strangeness of Bertha's behavior even makes the behavior of her servant become mysterious and weird.
莫琳微From the first time Jane Eyre heard the strange laughter, Jane Eyre often heard this strange laughter in Sangfield crazy woman like air, anytime and anywhere appear in Jane Eyre's life, but also in Jane Eyre's life. Jane Eyre found that this servant behaved strangely and acted mysteriously, which blurred Jane Eyre's consciousness. She thought that Grace Poole was the master of laughter. The mystery and strangeness of Bertha's behavior even makes the behavior of her servant become mysterious and weird.
QQBecause She certainly did not look desperate or mad enough to have tried to murder her master. Her self-restraint surprised me, wondering why Mr. Rochester didn't ask the police to arrest her or at least dismiss her. Why does he want me to keep a secret? How can such a proud gentleman be so dominated by his servant that he can't be punished even if he wants to kill him? Did she know some terrible secret about his past and threatened to tell it? Did he ever love her?