
Time Machine 4


 What do the time travelers take with him when he goes to the future? (59.95%)



  • Taron
    In H.G. Wells' novel "The Time Machine," the Time Traveler (often referred to as the Inventor or the Scientist) takes a few items with him when he embarks on his journey into the future. The novel does not provide an exhaustive list of everything he brings, but it does mention some key items: 1. **Food**: The Time Traveler brings a quantity of food with him, knowing that he will need sustenance during his journey and when he arrives in the future. 2. **Medical Supplies**: He also packs a variety of medical supplies, including bandages and drugs, to attend to any injuries he might sustain. 3. **Weapons**: For protection, the Time Traveler brings a revolver and some ammunition. This is particularly important when he encounters the Morlocks, who turn out to be a threat to him. 4. **Science Tools**: Being a scientist, he likely brings tools that might be useful for scientific observations and experiments, although these are not specifically detailed in the narrative. 5. **Books**: The Time Traveler takes some books with him, perhaps as a means of recording his journey or as a way to pass the time if he encounters long periods of inactivity. 6. **A Camera**: He also mentions bringing a camera, which he uses to document his experiences, although the limitations of early photography are highlighted when he finds that the chemicals he needs for developing film are no longer effective in the distant future. 7. **A Bicycle**: The Time Traveler considers bringing a bicycle as a means of transportation, but it's not explicitly stated whether he actually brings one or not in the final version of the story. The Time Traveler's preparations reflect a blend of practicality and curiosity. He wants to be prepared for the unknown, but he also wants to document and understand the world he is about to explore. The items he chooses to bring with him are meant to support his survival, scientific inquiry, and personal safety in a future that turns out to be far different from what he expects.


  • 害羞脸会红
    The Time Machine itself: His primary mode of transportation through time. Provisions: Including food and water to sustain himself during his travels. Instruments for observation and measurement: Such as a notebook for recording observations, a camera or sketching materials to document the future world, and possibly scientific instruments to measure time or other phenomena. Tools for maintenance: To make any necessary repairs to the Time Machine. Personal items: Such as clothing appropriate for the time period he is visiting, and possibly a weapon for self-defense, considering the unknown dangers he might encounter.


  • 用户719040
    The Time Machine itself: His primary mode of transportation through time. Provisions: Including food and water to sustain himself during his travels. Instruments for observation and measurement: Such as a notebook for recording observations, a camera or sketching materials to document the future world, and possibly scientific instruments to measure time or other phenomena. Tools for maintenance: To make any necessary repairs to the Time Machine. Personal items: Such as clothing appropriate for the time period he is visiting, and possibly a weapon for self-defense, considering the unknown dangers he might encounter


  • 用户719527
    The Time Machine itself: His primary mode of transportation through time. Provisions: Including food and water to sustain himself during his travels. Instruments for observation and measurement: Such as a notebook for recording observations, a camera or sketching materials to document the future world, and possibly scientific instruments to measure time or other phenomena. Tools for maintenance: To make any necessary repairs to the Time Machine. Personal items: Such as clothing appropriate for the time period he is visiting, and possibly a weapon for self-defense, considering the unknown dangers he might encounter


  • 用户719011
    His primary mode of transportation throught time. Provision:including food and water to sustain himself during his travels. Personal items:such as clothing appropriate for the time period he is visiting,and possibly a weapon for self-defense,considering the unknown dangers he maght encounter. 


  • 用户719032
    The Time Machine itself: His primary mode of transportation through time. Provisions: Including food and water to sustain himself during his travels. Instruments for observation and measurement: Such as a notebook for recording observations, a camera or sketching materials to document the future world, and possibly scientific instruments to measure time or other phenomena. Tools for maintenance: To make any necessary repairs to the Time Machine. Personal items: Such as clothing appropriate for the time period he is visiting, and possibly a weapon for self-defense, considering the unknown dangers he might encounter.
