
Time Machine 6


Where do you think the time traveler is in the end? (100%)



  • 用户718638
    In science fiction, time travel is often depicted as a way to move between different points in time, either into the future or the past. This can be through the use of a time machine, a wormhole, or other speculative means. These stories explore the various implications and paradoxes that could arise from the ability to travel through time. In theoretical physics, the idea of time travel is sometimes discussed in the context of general relativity and the nature of spacetime. For example, certain solutions to Einstein’s field equations suggest the possibility of closed timelike curves, which would allow for travel into the past. However, these solutions often require conditions that are not believed to exist in our universe, such as exotic forms of matter or extremely high energy densities. Overall, while the concept of time travel is intriguing and has inspired many works of fiction, it is not currently possible according to our understanding of physics.


  • 用户718638
    In science fiction, time travel is often depicted as a way to move between different points in time, either into the future or the past. This can be through the use of a time machine, a wormhole, or other speculative means. These stories explore the various implications and paradoxes that could arise from the ability to travel through time. In theoretical physics, the idea of time travel is sometimes discussed in the context of general relativity and the nature of spacetime. For example, certain solutions to Einstein’s field equations suggest the possibility of closed timelike curves, which would allow for travel into the past. However, these solutions often require conditions that are not believed to exist in our universe, such as exotic forms of matter or extremely high energy densities.


  • chenyingtong
    The Time Traveler's final moments in the novelare spent in this bleak landscape. He sends a message back to his time via his time machine, indicating that he is about to undertake another journey, possibly too the end of time itself or to a time before the uiniverse began. However, the novel eends before revealing the outcome of this final journey, leaving the reader to speculate on his fate.


  • 用户718564

    The Time Traveler's final moments in the novelare spent in this bleak landscape. He sends a message back to his time via his time machine, indicating that he is about to undertake another journey, possibly too the end of time itself or to a time before the uiniverse began. However, the novel eends before revealing the outcome of this final journey, leaving the reader to speculate on his fate.


  • 用户718526
    It may be that he swept back into the past, and fell among the blood-drinking, hairy savages of the Age of Unpolished Stone; into the abysses of the Cretaceous Sea; or among the grotesque saurians, the huge reptilian brutes of the Jurassic times. He may even now-if I may use the phrase-be wandering on some plesiosaurus-haunted Oolitic coral reef, or beside the lonely saline lakes of the Triassic Age.


  • 用户718554
    The time travelers is boring to most of the young students i think that it must be handed step by step the chance can win wednesday i was driving with my son as we saw out our trip and notice the bird in the jacky fire and said is flying so long day carefully ask my son is flying was strong. did i say anything greatly he got lost great to


  • 唐语晗
    It may be that he swept back into the past, and fell among the blood-drinking, hairy savages of the Age of Unpolished Stone; into the abysses of the Cretaceous Sea; or among the grotesque saurians, the huge reptilian brutes of the Jurassic times. He may even now—if I may use the phrase—be wandering on some plesiosaurus-haunted Oolitic coral reef, or beside the lonely saline lakes of the Triassic Age.


  • 用户718548
    The time travelers moments in the novel are spending this blank landscape he sends a message back to his time with his time machine however the novel ends before reviewing the outcome of his final journey of this final journey leave the reader to spit on his fight possibly to the end of time itself all to the time before the universe began.


  • 3419441786

    The time travelers is boring to most of the young students i think that it must be handed step by step the chance can win wednesday i was driving with my son as we saw out our trip and notice the bird in the jacky fire and said is flying so long day carefully ask my son is flying was strong. did i say anything greatly he got lost great to


  • 排日迪古丽
    The time travelers is boring to most of the young students i think that it must be handed step bu step the chance can win wednesdaui was driving with mu son as we saw out our trip and notice the bird in the jacky fire and said is fluing so long day carefully ask my son is flying was strong. didi sau anuthing greatly he got lost great to
