
Bill Gates: A Biography Chapter 2-1 Early Days in Computing


3. How did Bill Gates first get involved with computers?



  • 杨月   22应用英语2班
    杨月 22应用英语2班
    In the autumn of 1967, at the age of 12, Bill Gates entered seventh grade at Seattle Lakeside High School. Gates was the first to officially encounter real microcomputer technology in such an environment. In the autumn of 1968, Hubin High School made a bold and wise avant-garde decision: to rent a computer and start exposing students to computer technology.


  • 弥弥
    Bill Gates was first introduced to computers when he was 13 years old in Seattle.


  • 张维忆
    He has been a computer enthusiast since I was young. On October 28, 1955, Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington, in the northwest United States. My father was a lawyer and an important helper in his early legal battles. My mother was a teacher and later played a crucial role in the historic collaboration between Gates and IBM. Gates has been passionate about mathematics and computers since childhood, and became a famous computer enthusiast in high school. Paul Alan is his * * * alumnus, and the two often play a game of three combos on the computer at Lakeside High School. At that time, the computer was a small model of PDP8. Students could play games on some connected terminals using a paper tape typewriter, and could also create some small software, such as seat arrangement. Little Bill Gates was adept at playing and made some tricks on the program, so that the front, back, left, and right sides of his seats were all girls. The two partners often meet to discuss computer related matters.


  • Candice
    Gates first became interested in computers when he was a teenager. His school, Lakeside School, had a computer terminal that students could use. This early access to computers sparked Gates' curiosity and interest.


  • 奶香玉米糊
    Bill Gates was first introduced to computers when he was in middle school. While he was a student at Lakeside Middle School in Seattle, the school purchased a computer terminal and entered into an agreement with General Electric to allow students to use the terminal for programming. The computer terminal is connected to a remote mainframe computer by a telephone line, and students can use it to learn programming and computer science. In this period, computer programming is far from popular, and computer resources are very limited. Bill Gates and his friend Paul Allen soon took a keen interest in the computer and began teaching themselves programming languages. They spend more and more time on computers, often running to the school computer lab outside of class to immerse themselves in the world of programming.


  • 海外院第一深情
    Bill Gates first got involved with computers during his high school years when he and his friend Paul Allen started a traffic counting company called Traf-O-Data, which used computers to analyze traffic data.


  • 梁燕怡
    Gates and other children were hired by a company to find errors in computer programs. Perhaps it is better to say that the company "allows" them to use the computer, because the children are not paid, just for fun.
