22 应英 1 班 郑舒怡The Microsoft antitrust trial was a legal case brought against the company by the US government in 1998, alleging that Microsoft had violated antitrust laws by monopolizing the market for operating systems and browsers. The main issue in the trial was whether Microsoft had used its dominant position in the market to unfairly compete against other companies, such as Netscape, which developed the competing browser, Navigator. The trial lasted for several years and resulted in a judgment against Microsoft in 2000, which found the company guilty of antitrust violations. The judgment required Microsoft to make changes to its business practices, such as offering more options for users to choose their own browser and search engine, and it also required the company to pay a fine of several billion dollars. However, the outcome of the trial was mixed, as many people felt that the penalties were not harsh enough and that Microsoft was still able to maintain its dominant position in the market. Additionally, the trial damaged Microsoft's public image and contributed to a decline in the company's market share and reputation in the tech industry.