The Chinese nation is always thought as a nation without faith.However,I think that the law of gentleman is more than religion or laws in Eueropean and that the essence of the law of gentleman is sacriface.
The word faith means unconditional loyalty and paramount worship.The inhenrent sense of honour makes being towards death sacred.But for the inherit of such spirit,the Chinese nation can’t have been stretching till today.Of course ,there are something tedious and illogical in the book The spirit of Chinese people.It’s pluging his ears while stealing a bell or unwilling to change to save his face?However,nobody are qualified to laugh at him.The tears under his pen make those who opinionated useless and inferior.Some people disagree what Ku called Chinese spirit,they made such irresponsible comment just relay on their so-called patriotic passion .We can make two assumptions for instance,first,if people in the past had been broad ,deep,pure,sensitive,the impression of our Chinese in others’mind couldn’t have been like this.However,in such a power first era,though we sniff at this ,we behave like this.The two thousand years of Chinese civilization was recorded in acient codes,but little of them has really existed in the blood of our Chinese.Second,if Chinese in old days hadn’t been like what Ku had said,then what has bring Chinese to such circumstances?How can our Chinese make our voice heard by the world?
Now see the behavior of our Chinese nowadays,we have just touch the surface of the option the spirit of Chinese people.I am not a talented person and I feel really ashamed after reading the paper of Ku hongming.