"The Spirit of the Chinese", also known as "The Spring and Autumn Annals", is the most influential English representative work of Gu Hongming. In the book, Gu Hongming compares the Chinese with Americans, British, Germans and French, pointing out that the Chinese have both Deep, broad, simple and spiritual four virtues, and advocate the use of traditional Chinese Confucianism to solve problems in Western society and transform them. Gu Hongming believes that to value a civilization, one must look at "what kind of person, man and woman can be produced." He pointed out uniquely: "To understand the true Chinese and Chinese civilization, that person must be deep, broad and simple," because "the three characteristics of the Chinese character and Chinese civilization are deep, broad and "deep, broad and simple", in addition to "delicacy". From this unique perspective, Gu Hongming compares the Chinese with the Americans, the British, the Germans, and the French, highlighting the characteristics of the Chinese: the Americans are broad and simple, but not deep; the British are deep. The simplicity of the Germans is not broad; the Germans are broad, deep, and not simple; the French do not have the natural depths of the Germans. They are not as broad-minded as the Americans and the simplicity of the British, but they have the sensitivity that these three nations lack; only China People have all these four excellent spiritual qualities. Because the understanding of the book is not deep enough because of its own English level, it can only be interpreted by the general idea and the introduction.