The book will show the knowledgeable scholar how serious he is. Gao hongming life is very smooth, do not know the human suffering, the judgment of the human and the judgment of the society is also difficult to break away from the constraints of the scholar, so suitable to follow zhang zhidong. But as long as zhang zhidong go, he is just a staff, in the hearts of such smart people will not have complaints. In addition to writing, this unfair emotion highlights his rebellious nature.
His vision, his insight, can not be denied is extraordinary, but can not be said to be a scholar is not a pity. His passionate discourse on loyalty and blessing is insightful but also biased. One can catch a glimpse of romantic love.
Recently, overseas sinology still has a deep understanding of Chinese classical philosophy and literature. In our opinion, "the person who transcribes 100 Chinese sayings is a Sinologist" can be laughed off.
The appendix theory of "rabble" is hard to discuss. The tide of popular pandering will not abate for the foreseeable future.