• 内容简介
  • 相对而言,我们在先天性频谱图上较容易看出一部分情感的位置。大量证据表明,恐惧与愤怒是非常基础的情感,而“像头野猪一样”的评价显然带有很明显的文化差异。然而,还有一些情感则不会这么明了。浪漫爱情便是一种饱受争议的情感。有的人坚信它是一种一般情感,就跟恐惧和愤怒一样,与大脑中的某一固定区域有关。其他人则并不认同,认为浪漫爱情跟“像头野猪一样”的情况更为类似,具有文化特异性。拉•罗什福科有句名言:“如果从未听说过爱情,那么有些人就永远不会坠入爱河。”那些认为浪漫爱情会因文化而异的人则更为极端:他们认为若非事先听过浪漫的爱情故事,没有人会坠入爱河。

    With some emotions, it is relatively easy to see where they are located on the innateness spectrum. There is much evidence to suggest that fear and anger are very basic, while it is clear that “being a wild pig” is very culture specific. With other emotions, however, things are not so clear. One emotion in particular that has divided opinion is romantic love. Some maintain that it is a universal emotion, hardwired into the brain just like fear and anger. Others disagree, arguing that romantic love is more like the state of “being a wild pig”. La Rochefoucauld famously declared that “some people would never have fallen in love if they had never heard of love”. Those who think romantic love is a culturally specific emotion go even further: they claim that nobody would fall in love if they had not previously heard romantic stories.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 为迎接七夕这个庆祝爱情的节日,我们从迪伦•伊文斯的《解读情感》中截选了一部分,分享给各位读者。伊文斯为我们展示了关于浪漫爱情的不同观点。有人认为爱情是人为创造的,有人则认为这是一种与大脑有关的一般情感。当我们打开心形糖果盒时所感受到的浪漫爱情,会不会是我们从自己平生阅读或欣赏过的浪漫故事中习得的呢?

  • 目录
    • 爱情是真的吗?
    • Is love real?