• 内容简介
  • 我从未学过打字。我做得最好的就是一边看着键盘,一边用两根手指在上面敲来敲去。我没学过指法,学到的是如何和金属打交道:给防水板定型,焊接电线,给锡打孔。对这些技艺的学习还要追溯到我在皇后区187公立学校上五年级的时候。那时我的老师是L女士,她把班级分为两部分,一部分是能上所谓的“学术课程”,以后可以考大学的;另一部分就像我一样,只适合职业训练,注定要去工厂或修理厂工作的。



    I never learned to type. The best I can do is hunt and peck with two fingers while looking at the keyboard. Instead of touch-typing, I was taught how to work with metal: shape flashings, solder wires, drill into tin. Learning such skills traces back to the fifth grade at Public School 187 in Queens. My teacher, Mrs. L., divided the class into those able to undertake a so-called “academic curriculum” and ultimately attend college, and those like me, only fit for vocational training, destined to work in factories or repair shops.

    The first parent-teacher conference was held at the end of September, and Mrs. L. rendered her judgment. “He is not college material,” she said flatly to my mother and father. A brief listing of all of my deficiencies followed, including shifting in my seat, looking out the window, making noise with my chair, and sloppy penmanship. I lacked intelligence, motivation, and focus. Such pupils were best served by learning a trade. So it would be metal shop instead of typing class.

    My parents listened quietly to Mrs. L.’s assessment. After they left, my father turned to my mother and offered a different conclusion: “He has shpilkes.” My mother nodded knowingly. Shpilkes is a Yiddish word that denotes “ants in your pants.” The restless traits I displayed in the classroom were familiar from my behavior at home. As far as my parents were concerned, shpilkes was nothing out of the ordinary for a boy in fifth grade, except that perhaps I had more of it than others.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 生态和环境是如何塑造大脑和行为的,以及儿童发生改变的能力是天宝•格兰丁故事的关键问题。格兰丁是美国科罗拉多大学动物学的一名教授,是一名成功女商人,也是自闭症的敏锐的诠释者之一。



  • 目录
    • 自闭症是什么?(上)
    • What Is Autism? (1)