    Individual Efforts Count in Social Progress

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  • 内容简介
  • “自由民主”是我们追求的目标。但是历史上的几次暴力革命和下层社会老百姓对“自由和民主”这些词汇的漠然,不可能带来这样的进步。作为组成这个社会的每一个个体都需要学习让自己作为一个公民生活得有意义。政府则需要更透明,努力提高执政的效率。才能建设“民主自由”的社会。

    "Freedom and democracy" is our goal and we have pursued it for a long time. But looking back at the violent revolutions in the more than 2,000 years of China's history, and grassroots people's apathy for the term, they can not brought about democracy and freedom in modern sense of the terms for ordinary people. So as one of individuals who make up the society need to learn how to make his/her life meaningful as a citizen; the government has reason to shirk its responsibilities to be more transparent and provide efficient governance.

  • 编辑推荐
  • “民主自由”是千百年来广大民众追求的理想社会状态。社会是由个体组成,每一个人的行为都会对他产生微妙的影响。中国历史上发生过很多次革命,但暴力革命并不是达到自由民主的正确方式;我们只在威胁到我们自己的利益时才把民主自由高举出来,更不会有什么实质性的改变。本杂志用历史实例、现代作家的独到观点为您解答什么是通向“自由民主”的正确道路。

  • 目录
    • 个人努力对社会进步作用不容小觑
    • Individual efforts count in social progress