    Considering money as the end is the tragedy

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  • 本文例举两个官员贪污被查获和一个欺诈案例,论证了尽管金钱可以带来物质上的享受,却并不能填补心灵的虚无。两位官员平素都是简朴清廉的形象,虽然聚敛的财产以上亿,可他们并不敢大张旗鼓的挥霍。而那一家靠诈骗发家的人家最终选择了跳崖这样的方式结束自己的生命,始终抵不过良心的煎熬。“人为财死,鸟为食亡。”贪婪的后果,并不是你我所承受得起。

    Stories of two officals' tragedy are told: one was arrested becasue of corruption and the other was put on trial for fraud, which shows that although money can bring the material enjoyment, it cannot fill the heart of nothingness. Appearing upright and rigorously disciplined, these two men have never dared to display any signs of affluence. The fraudster chooses to end life by jumping off a cliff. This is a tragedy sets an alarmingly bad example.

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  • 钱可以买到幸福吗?如果从钱可以购买到的物质享受而言,答案是肯定的。但这并不意味着一个人拥有金钱的多少跟他的幸福感成正比。对于一个没有任何权力的普通人,把金钱看作是生活的目的而非手段,导致的结果也许仅仅是失去享受生活的机会。而对于手握权力的人,对于钱财的这种态度会导致很严重的后果。也许意味着冒生命的风险。君子爱财,要取之有道。

  • 目录
    • 把钱当作目的是悲剧所在
    • Considering money as the end is the tragedy