    Classic Writings of Ernest Hemingway (Vol III)

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  • 人的欲望勾勒出你我的不同,塑造出世界的模样。

    These four books include different topics. In On the Quai at Smyrna, the author reveals the pain of the war in a relaxing tone. In the end of Out of Season, reason and justice overcome lust and evil. Soldier’s Home reveals that the pain the war leaves to people is hard to remove. The Battler describes a battler who wants to win money as well as to keep his reputation.

  • 内容简介
  • 本集包括海明威的《在士麦那码头上》、《禁捕季节》、《士兵之家》和《拳击手》这四部作品。《在士麦那码头上》描写了希土战争中希腊人悲惨命运。《禁捕季节》是以国家规定的禁捕季节偷钓鳟鱼展开的。《士兵之家》描述了主人公退伍返乡后得不到家乡人民和家人的理解与关爱,因而战争的阴影在他心头仍阴魂不散。他坚守着“战争情节”,不能及时地调整自己,所以他终日浑浑噩噩。《拳击手》讲述一个很厉害的拳击手在一次打比赛买了对方赢,但是他的性格又不容许他轻易倒下。因此比赛的时候,他露出一些破绽让对手挥舞重拳,拳击手一次次倒下,但每次都顽强的站起来,坚持到最后。

    This book includes On the Quai at Smyrna, Out of Season, Soldier’s Home and The Battler. In On the Quai at Smyrna, the author describes the misfortunes of Greeks in the Greek-Turkish War. Out of Season tells that a group of people who disobey the law and go fishing. In Soldier’s Home, the protagonist is a soldier. After he retires home, the people in his hometown and even his family members do not understand him. He sticks to his "war complex" all the time, and he is unwilling to adjust himself to the real life. So he lives a bored and meaningless life. In The Battler, a famous battler bets for his rival, but he wants to keep his reputation in the comptition. So during their match, every time he falls down, he struggles to stand up and insists on till the end of the compitition.

  • 作者简介
  • 海明威,美国记者和作家,20世纪最著名的小说家之一。海明威一生中的感情错综复杂,先后结过四次婚,是美国“迷惘的一代”作家中的代表人物,作品中对人生、世界、社会都表现出了迷茫和彷徨。他晚年在家中自杀身亡。其写作风格以简洁著称,异常有力,影响深远。代表作有《老人与海》(获诺贝尔文学奖)、《永别了,武器》等。

    Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899–July 2, 1961) was an American novelist, short story writer, and journalist. His economical and understated style had a strong influence on 20th-century fiction, while his life of adventure and his public image influenced later generations. Hemingway produced most of his work between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s, and won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. He published seven novels, six short story collections, and two non-fiction works. Additional works, including three novels, four short story collections, and three non-fiction works, were published posthumously. Many of his works are considered classics of American literature.

  • 目录
    • 在士麦那码头上
    • 禁捕季节
    • 士兵之家
    • 拳击手
    • On the Quai at Smyrna
    • Out of Season
    • Soldier’s Home
    • The Battler