    The Plain Man and His Wife

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  • 你要是问这个平凡人指谁,其回答是:每个人,包括你,当然也包括我,包括富人、穷人,成功的人、不成功的人,懒散的人、勤快的人,奢侈的人和吝啬的人。


    If you ask who "the plain man" is, the answer is that "the plain man" is everyone including you and I, rich or poor, successful or not, lazy or diligent, wasteful or mean.

    The protagonist of this work is the plain man whose common character is actually very representative. By presenting bits and pieces of everyday life of the plain man, the author is actually providing people an object of reference for comparison and reflection.

  • 内容简介
  • 《平凡人和他的妻子》与作者的另一部作品《悠游度过一天的24小时》相似,也是一部教读者如何管理自己人生的散文作品,虽然远没有后者著名,但其中也处处闪现着人生的智慧。全书共分为四部分,分别是“只是手段,没有目的”、“快乐的滋味”、“生活的风险”和“处在她的位置上”,从日常生活的四个方面,讨论了被琐事烦扰的人该以怎样的态度和策略应对人生。作者笔下的“平凡人”代表了当时大部分的中产阶级,也是公认的社会的中流砥柱;但其实也暗指每一个读者,每个读这本书并期望从中受到启发的人。


    Similar to How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day, The Plain Man and His Wife is also an essay about life management. Though not as popular as How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day, this piece of work is still shining with the light of wisdom. This essay includes four chapters, namely, "All Means and No End", "The Taste for Pleasure", "The Risks of Life", and "In Her Place", which are actually four aspects of life. The author has discussed what attitudes and strategies should people disturbed by trivial but annoying problems take. The plain man under the pen of the author stands for the middle class, which is the mainstay of society then.

  • 作者简介
  • 阿诺德·本涅特,英国作家。他以小说著称。他同时又是戏剧家,散文家,批评家和新闻工作者。出生于英格兰北部的斯塔福镇,是一位多产的作家,一生共创作了三十余部小说和大量的戏剧、书评,其代表作是小说《老妇谭》。

    Enoch Arnold Bennett (27 May 1867—27 March 1931) was an English writer. He is best known as a novelist. He is also a playwright, essayist, critic and journalist. By any standards, his output was prolific: thirty novels, almost three thousand articles, ten plays and many other writings. He is best known for his novel The Old Wives' Tale.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 读了文章,读者就会发现,困扰“平凡人”的各种问题实则也在困扰今天的我们。本涅特笔下的英国是100年前的英国。但是他作品中关于工作、人生、家庭的问题居然对我们来说那么的熟悉,作者发掘生活本质的能力着实令人折服。另外,书中呈现的思想和方法,对当代读者仍然有很大启发。

  • 媒体书评
  • 约瀚·凯里在他1992年出版的《知识分子与大众》一书中称本涅特为“英雄”,因为他的作品“代表了知识分子区别于大众的独特性”。——约翰·凯里(20世纪英国著名评论家)


    Bennett describes the plain man as, "If you ask me whom I mean by the plain man, my reply is that I mean almost every man. I mean you. I certainly mean me. I mean the rich and the poor, the successful and the unsuccessful, the idle and the diligent, the luxurious and the austere. For, what with the limits of digestion, the practical impossibility of wearing two neckties at once, the insecurity of investments, the responsibilities of wealth and of success, the exhaustingness of the search for pleasure, and the cheapness of travel—the real differences between one sort of plain man and another are slight in these times. (And indeed they always were slight.)"

  • 目录
    • 第一章 只有手段,没有目的
    • 第二章 快乐的滋味
    • 第三章 生活的风险
    • 第四章 处于她的位置上
    • CHAPTER I All Means and No End
    • CHAPTER II The Taste for Pleasure
    • CHAPTER III The Risks of Life
    • CHAPTER IV In Her Place