    The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft

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  • 吉辛是一个天分颇高的作家,他敏感而又细腻。他通过对四季变迁的描写表达他那种归隐山林的惬意,读者在阅读时自然而然的受意并且为之心动神往。


    Here he writes down his reflections ranging from the philosophical meaning of life to comments on simple daily life. There is much about reading, books. There are comments about nature walks in the country, memories of past events in London, visits to special places. There is discussion of English culture, customs and even of culinary arts.

  • 内容简介
  • 《四季随笔》是吉辛的散文代表作。其中叙述的隐士赖克罗夫特醉心于书籍、自然景色与回忆过去的生活。其实是吉辛通过赖克罗夫特的自述,来抒发自己的感情,剖析自己的内心世界。因而本书是一部最富自传色彩的小品文集。吉辛自己穷困的一生,他对文学名著的爱好与追求,对于大自然恬静生活的向往,在书中均有充分的反映。本书分为春、夏、秋、冬四个部分,文笔优美,行文流畅,是英国文学中小品文的珍品之一。

    The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft by George Gissing is part novel, part autobiography and partly a book of brief essays or reflections on various subjects. It presents a mellowed cynical author who after a difficult life spent mostly in London is given a legacy of an annual annuity which enables him to retire in solitude to a country cottage in Devon county, England. Here he writes down his reflections ranging from the philosophical meaning of life to comments on simple daily life. There is much about reading, books and authors. There are comments about nature walks in the country, memories of past events in London, visits to special places. There is discussion of English culture, customs and even of culinary arts. Gissing was not a Christian but in this book he shares a generally positive view of the influence of Christianity on England. He had in his own life also found solace in the Stoic philosophers, particularly Marcus Aurelius.

  • 作者简介
  • 乔治·吉辛(George Gissing,1857—1903),英国小说家、散文家,是维多利亚时代后期最出色的现实主义小说家之一。一生发表过23部长篇小说,主要有《新格拉布街》(1891)和《在流亡中诞生》(1892)。另有游记作品《爱奥尼亚海岸游记》(1901),文学评论《狄更斯的研究》(1898)等。

    George Robert Gissing (22 November 1857—28 December 1903) was an English novelist, essayist who published 23 novels between 1880 and 1903. He published his first novel, Workers in the Dawn in 1880. His best known novels include New Grub Street, and Born In Exile. His travel notes, By the Ionian Sea and his literature review, Charles Dickens: A Critical Study are also very famous.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 吉辛是一个天分颇高的作家,他敏感而又细腻。他通过对四季变迁的描写表达他那种归隐山林的惬意,读者在阅读时自然而然的受意并且为之心动神往。

  • 媒体书评
  • 乔治·吉辛是新近最好的随笔作家之一。在他的全部作品中,只有《四季随笔》是为了满足自己而写作的。《四季随笔》使他在以兰姆为首的一群随笔作家中都得到一个地位,除斯蒂文森之外,比任何其他新近作家地位更高。《四季随笔》的大部分魅力在于这种事实:它是艺术家性情的流露。有些知心话像兰姆的一样亲切,几乎同样令人愉快。——休·沃克





    In The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, Gissing reflected: "To think I once called myself a socialist, communist, anything you like of the revolutionary kind! Not for long, to be sure, and I suspect there was always something in me that scoffed when my lips uttered such things."

  • 目录
    • Preface
    • Spring
    • Summer
    • Autumn
    • Winter