
外研阅读班级圈子问题 week 1-4


Week 1-4

1.  What are the five major principles in Zuo’s Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annual ?


2.  What does Mencius say about “Great Man”?


3.  What does “Conscience” in Chinese include?




  • 李肇宇
    The five main principles in the Chunqiu of Zuo are loyalty, filial piety, trustworthiness, righteousness, and propriety. Mencius viewed the concept of the "Great man" in Chinese traditional culture as someone who has achieved a high level of moral and ethical development. He believed that the Great main are individuals who have cultivated their innate goodness and possess exemplary virtues such as benevolence, righteousness, wisdom, and sincerity. In Chinese traditional culture, the concept of "conscience" encompasses a deep sense of moral awareness, ethical judgment, and inner righteousness. It reflects an individual's innate understanding of right and wrong, their ability to distinguish between good and evil, and their commitment to upholding moral principles in their actions and decisions.


  • 李肇宇
    The five main principles in the Chunqiu of Zuo are loyalty, filial piety, trustworthiness, righteousness, and propriety. Mencius viewed the concept of the "Great man" in Chinese traditional culture as someone who has achieved a high level of moral and ethical development. He believed that the Great main are individuals who have cultivated their innate goodness and possess exemplary virtues such as benevolence, righteousness, wisdom, and sincerity. In Chinese traditional culture, the concept of "conscience" encompasses a deep sense of moral awareness, ethical judgment, and inner righteousness. It reflects an individual's innate understanding of right and wrong, their ability to distinguish between good and evil, and their commitment to upholding moral principles in their actions and decisions.


  • 李肇宇
    The five main principles in the Chunqiu of Zuo are loyalty, filial piety, trustworthiness, righteousness, and propriety. Loyalty: Emphasizes the importance of being faithful and devoted to one's ruler or superior. Filial piety: Stresses the respect and care one should show towards their parents and ancestors. Trustworthiness: Encourages individuals to be honest, reliable, and true to their word in all their actions. Righteousness: Focuses on upholding moral principles, justice, and fairness in one's conduct. Propriety: Refers to following proper social etiquette, manners, and behavior in various situations to maintain harmony and order in society. Mencius viewed the concept of the "Great man" in Chinese traditional culture as someone who has achieved a high level of moral and ethical development. He believed that the Great main are individuals who have cultivated their innate goodness and possess exemplary virtues such as benevolence, righteousness, wisdom, and sincerity. In Chinese traditional culture, the concept of "conscience" encompasses a deep sense of moral awareness, ethical judgment, and inner righteousness. It reflects an individual's innate understanding of right and wrong, their ability to distinguish between good and evil, and their commitment to upholding moral principles in their actions and decisions.


  • 任师文
    1.The Spring and Autumn Annals uses fine words with clear meaning,narrates historical facts with deep content,is tactful but logical,tells the truth that it never twists and turns,punishes evil and encourages good. 2.Mencius stresses that a great man should have high aspirations to cary out Dao,adhere to moral integrity,stay upright,and his observation of Dao should not be influenced by external matters (as opposed to his inner world). 3.The concrete contents of "conscience"include loving their parents and respecting their brothers.And loving parents is benevolence,and respecting brothers is righteousness.


  • 周彦栋
    1 The five major principles in Zuo's Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals are: 2 a) Filial piety: Emphasizes the importance of respecting and honoring one's parents and ancestors. 3 b) Righteousness: Advocates for moral integrity, fairness, and justice in personal and societal conduct. 4 c) Propriety: Refers to adhering to proper social norms, etiquette, and rituals. 5 d) Trustworthiness: Stresses the significance of being honest, reliable, and trustworthy in all relationships and dealings. 6 e) Benevolence: Encourages acts of kindness, compassion, and goodwill towards others. 7 Mencius, a Chinese philosopher, believed in the concept of the "Great Man" or the "Superior Individual." According to Mencius, a Great Man is someone who possesses innate moral qualities and virtues. They have a deep sense of righteousness, benevolence, and compassion. Mencius argued that these Great Men have the potential to become exemplary leaders and positively influence society.


  • 天穹环宇
    1. The Five Major Principles in Zuo's Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals: Mandate of Heaven,Virtuous Rule, Rectification of Names,Harmony of the Five Relationships, Meritocracy 2. Mencius on the "Great Man": Mencius believed a Great Man is someone who has attained a high level of moral development and embodies Confucian virtues, not swayed by external circumstances or opinions. 3. "Conscience" in Chinese: Conscience refers to the inner voice that guides an individual's moral judgment and behavior, encompassing moral self-awareness, integrity, responsibility, and sympathy.


  • 不吃早饭
    1 Zuo's Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals: filial piety, righteousness, propriety, trustworthiness, benevolence. 2 Mencius: Great Man possesses innate moral virtues. 3 Chinese "Conscience": liangzhi, xin, zhi, yi, cheng.


  • 不吃早饭
    1 The five major principles in Zuo's Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals are: 2 a) Filial piety: Emphasizes the importance of respecting and honoring one's parents and ancestors. 3 b) Righteousness: Advocates for moral integrity, fairness, and justice in personal and societal conduct. 4 c) Propriety: Refers to adhering to proper social norms, etiquette, and rituals. 5 d) Trustworthiness: Stresses the significance of being honest, reliable, and trustworthy in all relationships and dealings. 6 e) Benevolence: Encourages acts of kindness, compassion, and goodwill towards others. 7 Mencius, a Chinese philosopher, believed in the concept of the "Great Man" or the "Superior Individual." According to Mencius, a Great Man is someone who possesses innate moral qualities and virtues. They have a deep sense of righteousness, benevolence, and compassion. Mencius argued that these Great Men have the potential to become exemplary leaders and positively influence society. 8 "Conscience" in Chinese includes several aspects: 9 a) Liangzhi (良知): It refers to an individual's innate sense of moral consciousness or moral sense. 10 b) Xin (心): Represents the heart-mind and encompasses emotions, thoughts, intentions, and moral awareness. 11 c) Zhi (智): Refers to wisdom and discernment in making moral choices and judgments. 12 d) Yi (义): Signifies righteousness, justice, and the willingness to do what is morally right. 13 e) Cheng (诚): Emphasizes sincerity, honesty, and authenticity in one's words, actions, and relationships.


  • 周浩杰
    1.faith,filial piety,justice,propriety。2.,"A person shouldhave a kind of action rule,which is he must take the world as our own responsibility.。3.Conscience involves moral judgment,selfdiscipline and sense of responsibility。


  • 彭德尚
    1faith, righteousness,imagery, falsehood and class.2"A person shouldhave a kind of action rule,which is he must take the world as our own responsibility.3Moral judgment,sense of responsibility, sense of shame and sense of integrity.
