


1.What are the five major principles in Zuo’s Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annual? 2.What does Mencius say about “Great Man”? 3.What does “Conscience” in Chinese include?



  • 柠lemon檬
    1. It records both events and their profound significance. It is subtle yet logical, through yet not verbose. It chastises evil deeds and urge people to do good deeds.2. Mencius stresses that a great man should have high aspira to carry out Dao,adhere to moral integrity, stay upright ,and his observation of Dao shoule not be influenced by external matters.3. The conscience includes ren, i.e. love for one’s parents and yi,i.e. respect for one’s elder brothers.


  • 用户721545
    1."Benevolence,Righteousness,Propriety,Wisdom and Faith" are the five major principles in Zuo,s Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annual.2.Mencius said that a "Great Man" should "Not be licentious in wealthy,not be changed in poverty,and not be bent in power."3.The word "consience" in Chinese can be divided into two words:"good",that is morality,and"heart",that is consciousness.


  • 陈志浩
    The five major principles in Zuo's Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annual are "Benevolence, Righteousness, Propriety, Wisdom, and Faith" Mencius says that a "Great Man" is one who is "unyielding to wealth and honor, unbending in adversity, and unwavering in poverty" "Conscience" in Chinese culture typically refers to a person's moral sense, sense of justice, and awareness of right and wrong. It includes qualities like benevolence, righteousness, honesty, and integrity.


  • 陈志浩
    The five major principles in Zuo's Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annual are: righteousness (義), propriety (禮), loyalty (忠), faith (信), and wisdom (智). These principles guide the behavior and moral judgment of individuals and states in the Spring and Autumn period. Mencius's view on "Great Man" (君子) emphasizes the cultivation of virtues such as benevolence (仁), righteousness (義), propriety (禮), wisdom (智), and faith (信). A Great Man is seen as a person who possesses these virtues and practices them in daily life, demonstrating self-cultivation and serving as an exemplar to others. In Chinese, "Conscience" (良心) includes a person's sense of moral right and wrong, as well as a sense of duty and responsibility. It refers to the inner voice or feeling that guides a person's moral behavior and judgments. Conscience is often associated with concepts like morality, ethics, and virtue, and is seen as an important component of a person's character and spiritual life.


  • 刘祥如
    1.Reasonable utilization of land resources,Reasonably grasp the fertility of the land,Reasonably utilizing fertile soil,Pay attention to the moisture level of the soil,Properly improving soil conditions.2.Not only do we need to take good care of our wives, children, and family, but we also need to be able to conscientiously and responsibly fulfill our work and social responsibilities.3.Moral cognition, moral emotions, moral will, moral beliefs.
