    Modern childhoods and the growth of academic interest

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  • 笔者犹记得,当年初到英国一所历史悠久的大学担任初级学者时,开工首日,不无自豪地谈及自己曾作为一名人类学者前往泰国调查当地的雏妓,结果却遭到了残酷的反驳:“这听上去不像是搞人类学——倒像是比较社会学的工作。” 任何研究领域,只要涉及儿童,便不可能是严肃的学术研究。这种评价当时曾使我十分泄气,如今只觉得荒诞不经。

    I remember turning up on my first day as a junior academic in one of the older universities in the UK and proudly talking about my work as an anthropologist in Thailand working with young prostitutes, only to be met with the withering put-down that “it didn’t sound like anthropology - more like comparative social work.” If it involved children, it couldn’t be a serious area of study. At the time I was totally deflated but today, such a comment would be nonsensical.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 说到儿童,似乎人人皆有想法——大家或认为从财富、健康和教育方面而言,现在的儿童享受着前所未有的优渥条件,或深信他们面临着空前的巨大危机——这危机来自消费社会的恶端、弱肉强食的成人、危机四伏的交通、口无遮拦的媒体等等。即便如此,以儿童为主题的严肃的学术研究仍是一个相对新颖的领域。

  • 目录
    • 新晋学术热点:现代儿童
    • Modern childhoods and the growth of academic interest