• 内容简介
  • 纽约遭遇“9•11”恐怖袭击之后,美国音乐治疗联合会创办了纽约音乐治疗救助工程。这项工程旨在为居于纽约及附近区域的儿童和成人提供音乐治疗服务。其中一些音乐治疗项目是为满足从事看护型职业者的特定需求而定制的,以教师、咨询师、社工、医生和护士为服务对象。三千多名教师和学生通过十一个面向当地八所学校的不同的音乐治疗项目接受了这项服务。

    After the 9/11 terror attacks in New York City, the American Music Therapy Association founded The New York City Music Therapy Relief Project. The goal of the project was to serve the children and adults living in the metropolitan vicinity by providing them with music therapy services. Some of these music therapy programs were customized with the specific needs of caregivers in mind, targeting teachers, counselors, social workers, doctors, and nurses. More than 3,000 teachers and students were served through eleven different music therapy programs that reached out to eight local schools.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 音乐疗法是在临床上通过证实可行的音乐干预实现某个患者的特定康复目标的治疗方法。音乐治疗师初步评估后,会像开具处方一般拟定一个治疗计划,让患者按要求唱歌、伴着音乐活动和跳舞、创作音乐,或者只是聆听音乐。这个过程为患者提供了一个健康的情绪出口,供他们交流和表达自己的情感,帮助他们获得生理上的康复。这种疗法被证明对于类型广泛的各种患者群体均有疗效。

  • 目录
    • 音乐疗法的兴起
    • The rise of music therapy